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Aim: This project is to enable people with disabilities to fulfill their potential within society as citizens with equal rights and access to services. These services include ICT and vocational skills development, the establishment of enterprises, job placements, and exhibitions to showcase their unique abilities.


International Volunteers, educational materials, computers, sewing machines, logistics, and funding.


key objectives of the sector are:

• to improve the effectiveness and representation of organisations of people with disabilities through capacity building interventions;

• to promote access to quality information and services by people with disabilities with particular focus on HIV/AIDS and education;

• to promote greater understanding among people with disabilities on their civil rights and responsibilities.


Persons with disabilities are among the poorest and most vulnerable in Ghana. The Government of Ghana has within its constitution the provision ‘that persons with disability shall be protected against exploitation, all regulations and all treatment of discriminatory, abusive and degrading nature’.


Our Disability Programme supports the Government National Disability Policy and ‘provides sustainable ways of helping persons with disabilities help themselves’ through: continuing to support the development of disability organizations at national, regional and community level; raising awareness on disability issues; skill development and job placement, promoting access to livelihood options for persons with disabilities and increasing participation of women with disabilities and improving the delivery of special education.


Key beneficiaries and partners

•     Ghana Federation of the Disabled (GFD)

•     Ghana Society of the Physically Disabled (GSPD)

•     Ghana National Association of the Deaf (GSPD)

•     Volta Physically Challenged Independent Group 

•     Department of Social Welfare

      Centre for Employment of Persons with Disabilities (CEPD)

      Dorcas Margaret Foundation/DMF 



Hope and Service to Mankind Foundation has been instrumental in establishing Networks of Disabled People's Organisations throughout Ghana. Beneficiaries are ultimately Disabled People, and Disable People's Organisations (DPOs).


The key objectives of the project are:

• to improve the effectiveness and representation of organisations of people with disabilities through capacity building interventions;

• to promote access to quality information and services by people with disabilities with particular focus on HIV/AIDS and education;

• to promote greater understanding among people with disabilities on their civil rights and responsibilities.


























Advocacy and Global Education

Training sessions on Advocacy manual and Handbook on Mainstreaming Disability.

Providing grants and/or equipment for partners e.g. small grants fund

Development of publications or other materials for training or communication: NGO Directory on Disability; HIV and AIDS Brochure for Persons with Disabilities


What makes our work in this programme area special?

We support the disabled community in Ghana by working with organisations of persons with disabilities to build their capacity into ones that are truly representative and meet the needs of the disabled community throughout Ghana.


We aim to support and complement the efforts of government and NGOs to assist people with disabilities to realize their potential and claim their rights as equal and active members of Ghanaian society.

Current programme activities

The key priorities for 2021/2025 are: make strategic partnerships; increase work with children with disabilities; develop and advocacy tool/manual; ICT training and skill development, job placements, increase volunteer numbers/ scope of work of  volunteers in the Disability Programme Area; expand fully in the Regions; establish strong relationships with women with disabilities; increase work in the area of intellectually disabled; make an entry point at the policy making level.


Focus of International Volunteer Placements

Average of 20 volunteers in country at any one time including social workers,  organisational development advisers, physiotherapists, fundraisers and volunteers with other general skills.

Workshops, training & conferences

• Organisational development workshops for DPOs in financial management, leadership skills, fundraising, monitoring & evaluation

       • Workshop with Parliamentary Select Committee on social welfare & employment

• National Disability Network Meetings once every quarter

Skill development workcamps twice every year


Support to national volunteering

There are plans to develop placements for advocacy officers.

There are plans to commission research on Perceptions of PWDs in the focus regions.

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Improving Rural Livelihoods...

Hope and Service to Mankind Foundation is always looking for talented and experienced individuals to join our team. We work very differently then most organisations and are focused on such things as home/work balance, utilising technology and bringing on board typically disenfranchised groups.

​​Call us:

+233 30 299 8936

+233 20 017 5506

+233 24 447 6072

Find us:

Lebanon School Junction, Dam Site Road, 57 Nii Bediako Street, Lebanon-Ashaiman.  Accra, Ghana.                  Digital Address:  GB 078-3563


 P. O. Box 28 Monkey Forest, DTD Klagon-Lashibi, Community-19, Sakumono-Ghana.563

© 2023 Hope for Rural Dwellers (HSMF)

  Proudly created by Shy

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