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Women’s Empowerment 

(Urban, Microfinance, Livelihoods, Economic Development, and Girls Involvement)

Aim - This project aims to improve girls’ access to and attainment of basic education, and women’s access to and attainment of adult literacy.

This will lead to improvements in the confidence, self-worth, and marketable skills of women and girls.

Needs: International Volunteers, educational materials, facilitators, computers, logistics, and funding.

To support poor and disadvantaged women and men in Ghana to achieve food and income security. This will be through better engagement with the markets and strengthened linkages with government and other service providers.


Study after study has taught us that there is no tool more effective for development than the empowerment of women. Gender bias is an expansive topic. It manifests itself in many aspects of daily life in our society. Examples of gender bias can be found literally from the cradle to the grave but we will limit our consideration of gender bias to education. Specifically, our focus is on the issues of gender bias and gender equity in education.

We continue our support for women working on products such as palm oil, gari, shea-butter, rice, smoked fish, farming and the production of livestock (Ruminants), etc. Adding value to their work by improving product quality and access to resources and markets, for example, will significantly increase their incomes and consequently, improve livelihoods of poor households and communities.

Many women are in dire need to develop but cannot afford the provision of basic farming inputs. They lack the most appropriate agriculture inputs include farm equipments, seeds, planting materials, and livestock for restocking of lost animals. And other issues like the lack of the capacity to provide support service and also the neglect of women in development activities.


Workshops, Training & Conferences

Our plans are to make use of local and International volunteers through the Hope and Service to Mankind Foundation’s Volunteering Programme. The local volunteers, mostly graduates and non graduates with little work experience, will be placed within partner groups and villages to work alongside the more experienced international volunteers.

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Many single parents (women/girls) in the slums are migrants from other areas of the country unsuccessfully trying to find work in the fast-paced Ghanaian capital



Beneficiaries Participation and Contribution:

The project beneficiaries had participated in the identification and planning of the project. Since it deals with their economic and well-being. During the implementation of the project, beneficiaries would contribute their:


  • Unskilled labour

  • Local materials (sticks, stones, sand etc.)

  • Land for the cultivation and construction of animal sheds.




The toughest places demand the boldest ideas and solutions. That’s why we focus on Social Innovations — to blend the best concepts and tools from the communities + women groups + girls groups with our deep knowledge of both the problems facing women, girls, communities and the context in which they face them.

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