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We bring groups of people from different countries together so they can explore their social and cultural differences and similarities while volunteering to support our efforts in improving rural livelihoods through international cultural exchange programs.  Experiencing another culture...

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We are committed to serving MANKIND by providing the basic amenities of life to the helpless and needy people of all communities and also by encouraging Girl child, People with Disabilities and Youth through education and employment.

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A healthy and prosperous society based on gender equality and equity in every walk of life by improving the lives of the poor through education, economic and social development programs.    


 We share the vision of a world where all forms of disability can be avoided, healed or integrated and in which the rights of people with disabilities are respected and applied.




We believe in gender equality and equity in every walk of life regardless of race, color, religion, age, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, disability, marital status, veteran status, or any other occupationally irrelevant condition.

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'If our Hopes of Building a better and safer world for all are to become more than wishful thinking, we will need the engagement of volunteers more than ever'... Kofi Annan,  Former UN Secretary General.

Build a School Project

Aim - Our build a school project is for every young person especially the girl child in Ghana to fulfill their  potential and to make a difference.      

 We intend to increase their chances of a brighter future.

Our school Floating Crystals Academy in Ashaiman, Ghana has over 200 children


International Volunteers, building materials, furniture, computers, logistics and funding.

Women's Empowerment Project


This project informs and trains women to start businesses to support their families.  Currently, our group Mothers of Floating Crystals produces laundry and hand soaps. We are looking for investors to help take our products to the market.


We help to improve a woman's confidence, self worth and marketable skills for enterprise development.



International Volunteers with experience in marketing, business start-ups, educational materials, facilitators, computers, logistics and funding.

Sports for Change Project

Street and Working Children and Young People


Aim - We aim to build a brighter future for young people through a sport system that reaches, inspires and engages all young people especially girls whatever their age or ability.


International Volunteers, sporting facilities and sponsors.

Cultural Immersion Project 


Traditional Dance and Drumming, Local skills development and Arts-Crafts Training for all.

Aim - This programme is aim at promoting mobility within and beyond borders, non-formal learning and intercultural dialogue, enhancing development through cultural scope, exposing and strengthening intercultural relations, the history and development of the field of cultural diplomacy, informing perspectives on cultural, political, and economic issues of Ghana, for exposure and to learn new things from another society, Ghana.

The Happy Children Project

 - Our happy child project is to rescues street and ‘at risk’ children. Providing a   24 hour emergency centre, safe homes and a farm  community which provide a secure base for their rehabilitation and re-integration back into families and


We aim to meet the immediate needs of street children by supporting their families and communities. In this way we are targeting the key issues which drive children on to the streets in the first place by,

         * Prevention * Rescue * Homes and Rehabilitation * Education and Training * Family – Re-integration, Fostering and Adoption.



International Volunteers, sports facilities, computers, Educational Materials, and funding.

Disability Enablement Project

Educating employers, the public and PWDs, as well as offering employment services, skills development and training, coaching, advocacy, etc. for a better lifestyle and living conditions.


Aim - This programme is to enable people with disabilities to fulfill their potential within society as citizens with equal rights and access to services, ICT and vocational skills development, establishment of enterprises, job placements and exhibitions showcasing the abilities of persons with disabilities.


International Volunteers, educational materials, computers, sawing machines, logistics and funding.


The Healing Project 


HIV/AIDS AND OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES (Tuberculosis, Malaria and neglected tropical diseases)


Aim - Our aim is to increase efficiency and address common constraints but especially to Relaunch  the use of condoms and create a more positive image of 

condom use in preventing HIV/AIDS, other  Sexually Transmitted Infections and in Birth Control. 


Organising camps for people living with chronic diseases to meet medical professionals for free care, support, advice, checkups and treatment, and also to meet other people living with the same chronic disease.


International Volunteers, medical students, sponsors for our health camps

The Farming Project

 Promoting Agriculture and Food Security

Aim - Our aim is to help alleviate rural poverty that is currently hitting women, the youth, and the unemployed. 


it will help cut down on the problem of the youth moving to urban cent res looking for jobs that are not there, our believe is this project will help combat the increasing crime waves in our communities by creating jobs for all.


We believe promoting Agriculture and food security will be the best action in   

solving some of the problems in our communities.  



We will need Partnership, farming tools and funding more than ever.

We aim to inspire a sense of active citizenship, solidarity and tolerance among young people and to involve them in shaping their future and that of their communities and country at large.

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Improving Rural Livelihoods...

Hope and Service to Mankind Foundation is always looking for talented and experienced individuals to join our team. We work very differently then most organisations and are focused on such things as home/work balance, utilising technology and bringing on board typically disenfranchised groups.

​​Call us:

+233 30 299 8936

+233 20 017 5506

+233 24 447 6072

Find us:

Lebanon School Junction, Dam Site Road, 57 Nii Bediako Street, Lebanon-Ashaiman.  Accra, Ghana.                  Digital Address:  GB 078-3563


 P. O. Box 28 Monkey Forest, DTD Klagon-Lashibi, Community-19, Sakumono-Ghana.563

© 2023 Hope for Rural Dwellers (HSMF)

  Proudly created by Shy

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