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Happy Children Project 


Aim: Our happy child project is to rescues street and ‘at risk’ children. Providing a 24-hour emergency center, safe homes, and a farm community that provides a secure base for their rehabilitation and reintegration back into families and communities. We aim to meet the immediate needs of street children by supporting their families and communities. In this way, we are targeting the key issues which drive children on to the streets in the first place by,

  • Prevention

  • Rescue

  • Homes and Rehabilitation

  • Education and Training                                      

  • Family – Re-integration, Fostering, and Adoption         


Needs: International Volunteers, sports facilities, computers, Educational Materials, and funding.



Women’s Empowerment 

(Urban, Microfinance, Livelihoods, Economic Development, and Girls Involvement)

Aim - This program aims to improve girls’ access to and attainment of basic education, and women’s access to and attainment of adult literacy.

This will lead to improvements in the confidence, self-worth, and marketable skills of women and girls.

Needs: International Volunteers, educational materials, facilitators, computers, logistics, and funding.



(Tuberculosis, Malaria and neglected tropical diseases)

Aim - To increase efficiency and address common constraints to relaunch the use of condoms and create a more positive image of condom use in preventing HIV/AIDS, other  Sexually Transmitted Infections, and in Birth Control.


Needs: International Volunteers, medical students, sponsors for our health camps.


Traditional Dance and Drumming Training (Cultural Immersion Programmes) 

Aim: This program is aimed at promoting mobility within and beyond borders, non-formal learning and intercultural dialogue, enhancing the development through the cultural scope, exposing and strengthening intercultural relations, the history and development of the field of cultural diplomacy, informing perspectives on cultural, political, and economic issues of Ghana, for exposure and to learn new things from another society, Ghana.


Promoting Agriculture and Food Security (Farming) 

Aim: Our aim is to help alleviate rural poverty that is currently hitting women, the youth, and the unemployed. The street children will also be recruited into this project and also it will help cut down on the problem of the youth moving to urban centers looking for jobs that are not there, our belief is this project will help combat the increasing crime waves in our communities by creating jobs for all. We believe promoting Agriculture and food security will be the best action in solving some of the problems in our communities. Our plans are to undertake the planting of teak trees as our main aim alongside marketable food crops such as maize, cassava, sorghum, beans, and yam and palm fruits for oil.

Needs: We will need Partnerships, farming tools, and funding more than ever.


There are a number of other community initiatives that we are involved in. These include Tree planting projects, painting projects, beach clean up days by working with Project’s Health and Sanitation team to inform children about the benefits of handwashing, teeth brushing and using latrines as part of our environmental agenda.  This is where those of you who like to show off can really shine and, for the quieter members of the group, there is always work backstage!


Volunteers learn a lot from these communities as well as fellow volunteers since weekends are free time for learning something new like our cultural immersion days. We also organize tour programs for volunteers during the weekends when they are not working and every evening entertainment by the fireside cultural displays, dancing, and singing.


Sport for Change


 (Street and Working Children and Young People)                                                      


Aim - We aim to build a brighter future for young people through a sport system that reaches, inspires, and engages all young people especially girls whatever their age or ability.

Needs: International Volunteers, sporting facilities, and sponsors.


Secure Livelihoods 

Aim - To support poor and disadvantaged men and women in five regions of Ghana to achieve food and income security. This will be through better engagement with the markets and strengthened linkages with government and other service providers.

Needs: International Volunteers, farming tools, and financial support.



Education (Build a School Project) 

Aim - Our build a school project is for every young person especially the girl child in Ghana to fulfill their potential and to make a difference. We intend to increase their chances of a brighter future. Our aim is not just to support the schools, but to develop a model which can continue working without us.

Needs: International Volunteers, building materials, furniture, computers, logistics, and funding.



Aim: This program is to enable people with disabilities to fulfill their potential within society as citizens with equal rights and access to services, ICT and vocational skills development, the establishment of enterprises, job placements, and exhibitions showcasing the abilities of persons with disabilities.

Needs: International Volunteers, educational materials, computers, sewing machines, logistics, and funding.



This project is also offered as an internship for those wishing to gain experience and/or credit for a college or university course. The major difference between an intern and a volunteer relates to the amount of mentorship and self-evaluation. We feel that there are several factors that are necessary in order to run a successful internship program:

  • Active participation

  • Full involvement in the organization’s projects

  • Weekly feedback and discussion with Program Supervisor and Director evaluation at the end of the program


We understand that some colleges and universities may have special requirements for internships or give credit for internships. We are able to adapt to the internship program to meet any special needs or requirements.


English Language camps


Experience another culture like never before while making a real difference in people’s life. You’ will gain perspectives and insights into the local culture and yourself while working side-by-side with other people on community-led initiatives.


Hope and Service to Mankind Foundation offer English as a second language to help children and women and the youth with other community projects as our support in the development process of Hungary and Ghana. The English language school is situated in a beautiful historical environment of Hungary near Lake Balaton and surrounded by beautiful landscape and castle mansion. 


As the world rushes to acquire English, the majority can not afford the cost of learning English, books, and health care therefore the need to assist.


Your "credential" is simply being a native speaker of the English language is always a plus when you seek to teach English abroad. You can join us also if you want to learn English as a second language whiles meeting new people and visiting the beautiful history of  Hungary and Ghana


 Education (English as a second language)                                                                   


Aim - The program is focused on the provision and development of the English language (speaking and writing skills) to help individuals to be able to communicate with other English speaking citizens who visit, live, work and study in Hungary.  (Youth Exchange program)

Needs: International Volunteers, Learning materials, computers, logistics, and funds




As a teaching volunteer, you will spend your mornings in one of six of our community schools that cater to orphaned and vulnerable children. You will be assigned a class and cooperating teacher to focus your efforts and get to know the individual needs of the students.  While the teacher is in front of the classroom, teaching a class, it is extremely valuable to have a teaching assistant who can go around and help individual children with their assignments. Since classes are usually very large, the pupils do not often get this individual attention, they need. The extra help volunteers provide has the potential to make a lasting difference by identifying students who are falling behind and giving additional support.


Group Work

A volunteer may find in class that there are a group of children who struggle to keep up with the rest of the class. Volunteers will take groups of children out of the class to go through the class work at a slower rate with greater repetition to enhance learning.  Once students start to fall behind, it can be a difficult trend to stop as there are minimal structures in place at the schools to help the struggling children.  Early intervention is therefore key.


Revision Classes

Since the pace in class is fast and individual attention low, children often fall behind. By repeating subjects in revision classes, these children might have a better chance of keeping up during their regular classes.

Should you feel comfortable you can teach your own class using the in-depth lesson plans.  This is a fantastic opportunity to offer the students a fresh perspective and increase their intellectual curiosity.


Pre-School Learning Centre

Volunteers visit the pre-school every morning to assist the local teachers and educate the children in creative ways.  There are currently approximately 70 young learners enrolled at the pre-school and volunteers teach in small groups of about 8 children. Your role at the pre-school is as a teacher, preparing the children for their next steps into primary school and involves the following: 


  • Singing and dancing with children in English.

  • Developing the children’s imagination and creative skills through crafts such as painting, drawing, and coloring.

  • Teaching basic lessons about colors, numbers, letters, and knowledge of the world in English with the assistance of a translator.

  • Giving the children the opportunity to let off some steam through fun games and structured physical education classes.

  • Helping to prepare lunch for the children.

  • General upkeep of the school to keep it a pleasant environment in which to learn.

  • Some basic work at the school farm, aimed at providing a source of sustainable income for the school


Orphan Care and Development

We visit and work with the local orphanage homes to spend time enriching the lives of the children that live there, and we are currently working on exciting building initiatives to furnish them with new dorms so we can provide for more children in need! Volunteers will be involved in spending time with the children, enriching their lives in many ways, and support in the new orphan dorm building initiative.


We are currently teaching English to a group of about fifty students, split into 2 groups depending on ability, ranging in age from young adults to middle-aged adults.  Volunteers are responsible for making the lesson plans, which are always interactive and fun with the use of flashcards, games, objects, and worksheets.


Volunteers encourage active participation from the students by reading out loud, role-playing, writing on the board, and participating in educational games. The volunteer role includes:


Developmental playtime where the children get to learn new games and play with toys to which they wouldn't normally have access. Constructive sports games such as Frisbee, football, etc.


Giving the children the one on one care and attention that is so critical for their development.


Planning fun, interactive, and challenging lessons for the students. Conducting these lessons with the help of a translator in a patient, creative, dynamic, and passionate manner.


Assigning and correction of homework assignments. Getting to know an amazing group of individuals with an inspiring dedication to learning


The English lessons are free for the students and open to the community-at-large.  They offer an amazing and rare opportunity for people to increase their knowledge of English.

Improving Rural Livelihoods...

Hope and Service to Mankind Foundation is always looking for talented and experienced individuals to join our team. We work very differently then most organisations and are focused on such things as home/work balance, utilising technology and bringing on board typically disenfranchised groups.

​​Call us:

+233 30 299 8936

+233 20 017 5506

+233 24 447 6072

Find us:

Lebanon School Junction, Dam Site Road, 57 Nii Bediako Street, Lebanon-Ashaiman.  Accra, Ghana.                  Digital Address:  GB 078-3563


 P. O. Box 28 Monkey Forest, DTD Klagon-Lashibi, Community-19, Sakumono-Ghana.563

© 2023 Hope for Rural Dwellers (HSMF)

  Proudly created by Shy

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